Pure Javascript Countdown Example (Minute&Second Base)
function countdown( elementName, minutes, seconds )
var element, endTime, hours, mins, msLeft, time;
function twoDigits( n )
return (n <= 9 ? "0" + n : n);
function updateTimer()
msLeft = endTime - (+new Date);
if ( msLeft < 1000 ) {
element.innerHTML = "countdown's over!";
} else {
time = new Date( msLeft );
hours = time.getUTCHours();
mins = time.getUTCMinutes();
element.innerHTML = (hours ? hours + ':' + twoDigits( mins ) : mins) + ':' + twoDigits( time.getUTCSeconds() );
setTimeout( updateTimer, time.getUTCMilliseconds() + 500 );
element = document.getElementById( elementName );
endTime = (+new Date) + 1000 * (60*minutes + seconds) + 500;
countdown( "countdown", 1, 5 );
countdown( "countdown2", 100, 0 );
Pure Javascript Countdown Example (Second Base)
function countdown( elementId, seconds ){
var element, endTime, hours, mins, msLeft, time;
function updateTimer(){
msLeft = endTime - (+new Date);
if ( msLeft < 0 ) {
} else {
time = new Date( msLeft );
hours = time.getUTCHours();
mins = time.getUTCMinutes();
element.innerHTML = (hours ? hours + ':' + ('0' + mins).slice(-2) : mins) + ':' + ('0' + time.getUTCSeconds()).slice(-2);
setTimeout( updateTimer, time.getUTCMilliseconds());
* if you want this to work when you unfocus the tab and refocus or after you sleep your computer
* and come back, you need to bind updateTimer to a $(window).focus event^^
element = document.getElementById( elementId );
endTime = (+new Date) + 1000 * seconds;
countdown('countdown', 43200); // second base
출처: zineeworld